الاثنين، 12 يناير 2015

Hotels history

The hotel industry is very old industries, the emergence of hotels in ancient times has been associated closely the emergence of hospitality itself tion, where the hospitality of the ancient world was originally limited to the satisfaction of transit traveler need, whether the need to visit the mother of trade. However, closer ties and increasing between cities, and the consequent large number of books and the multiplicity of needs that require the creation of public housing and Pensions to meet these objectives, particularly in cities that have become an important commercial centers.
An analysis of the historical development of the hotel industry shows that the hospitality before they reach this level of development at the moment gone through three periods are:
First period: hospitality in antiquity
A - hospitality in the ancient Near East: hotels are not in fact only got allocated travelers to host, and perhaps what supports our saying this is the Latin terminology of the hotel, a "Hospital" which is derived the word "Hotel", which currently reflect the hotel in the French language, as I miss him as well as the word "Hospite" old Italian and then "Ospite" modern word "Hote" French, both of which mean the guest calling the hotel guest.
Hospitality was originally one of the greatest feats of ancient civilization, especially in the ancient Near East, and perhaps this is the reason of the delay in the appearance of hotels in the country, showing the old historical studies of the countries of the East, the Arab countries had exaggerated the Generous even Arab hospitality in the whole world has become proverbial. It was the people at the Arabs kindle the fire at night over the high mountain peaks to see the traveler from afar occurring among the like to find warmth and shelter, food free of charge, and there is opinion believes that the hospitality appeared in the ancient Near East before they appear on the European continent long a time, and this does not mean that the spread was common years and naturally in the sense that we've seen in the rest of the other ancient peoples.
B - hospitality for the Greeks: The General hostelry any hospitality did not know when the ancient Greeks at first, because they were known for their hospitality, like the rest of the Eastern peoples, because the old Greeks were in close contact with the people of the ancient Near East and Egypt in particular, where they exchanged science and knowledge. We believe that the ancient Greeks when hospitality was mainly Hospitality therapeutic to some extent.
C - the hospitality of the Romans: the hospitality of the Romans did not bring anything new to what brought him the Greek hospitality in terms of quality but we see it more than the latter that was cultivated and organized from both the formal and legal.
It is well known that Rome conquered the ancient world and the modern Bnzation and provisions, which at this point has not ignored the hospitality, so that most of the legal provisions contained in the civil laws of modern states has its origins to Roman law, as the Roman law is the only one of the old law, which the hotel industry systems in particular.
It is no secret that the governors and legislators Romans were investigating the severity and cruelty at the age of hotel legislation in order to be a deterrent to hoteliers and to ensure the safety of travelers.
We saw that the hospitality did not know in the ancient Near East, but when the soldiers need as it unfolds into shelters they sustain at night from predators during the day and protected from the sun's heat, was the rulers and sultans lived them in the way of collective buildings in the heart of the desert spaced at distances as far as possible of their choice near the headwaters of the water, and it was these are called Pensions word "Cauponae" this Pensions were not only breaks consist of a large courtyard surrounded on all aspects rooms furnished, customized to accommodate foreigners without charge, they are free from the bedding and supplies, and it was imperative for the traveler that comes with them with him, and the uncle of the spread of this after the conquests Pensions and became used by travelers, whether they are individuals or convoys, I knew in the eastern Mediterranean country an example of Constantinople and Persia and other Arab countries (b Khan's mother). In the countries of North Africa (south of the Mediterranean Sea) were known as the (home) or (Crvat Galatasaray), they have become after Romania conquests longer shelter caravans and travelers.
After that boxes have been set up on the outskirts of cities and within them, housing the returning soldiers, traders and travelers. Pensions this was a hostel for citizens turn them into boxes greet the victorious soldiers returning from the battlefield and Mahji booty, who provide them with the delicious food and drink from the intent to extort money. It was called on this hostel word "diverticula".
At the end of this brief presentation of his hotel in the old palaces, it must be pointed out that Khan consists in those times of sleep and store rooms and a water well and a stable for animals.
Second stage: the hospitality of the Middle Ages:
The Middle Ages is considered the beginning of the evolution of the hotel industry, where was the long period and accompanied by economic, commercial and industrial influenced by many circumstances a lot, and I took Hotels invade major cities and replace fields in small towns.
In the Middle Ages, Christianity had spread and engulfed the European continent and marked by religious traditions, including the time I knew him from the love of the future of the hospitality and considered a religious duties.
However, these special hospitality did not last long due to increased travel, whether for trade or to perform the pilgrimage to impose ... etc. Which has led to the proliferation of public hospitality in cities depending on the evolution of transportation routes and means of transport as a result of the invention of steam engines and the car and motorcycle and railways.
The most important advantage of by the Middle Ages is the evolution and transformation of primitive Khan, which was composed of bedrooms first degree and rooms dedicated to the crew of drivers bedrooms (room or two tablespoons), a bar and a space in the middle as well as a stable for animals to a large hotel and spread inside the cities, and was divided into these initial Hotels small and simple rooms to house the poor and good rooms to accommodate the rich and the rich were big rooms Odhu Luxury furniture and sometimes where there is additional space for catering.
Thus was created the big hotels in capitals, for the first time the hotel name appeared on the big banners hanging on the porch like a hotel
"Schack iron" and here began this new take certain models consistent with the service and ease requirements, and became a public hall on the ground floor and in the upper floors of rooms has become a similar units.
According to specialized theoretical references to the hotels in the Middle Ages was made up of a large number of rooms sometimes accommodate between 100-150 people were not hotel can small and family that is such a large number of guest service resorted to help others working in the kitchen and the restaurant and service floors after Khan that was administered by the owner of Khan and his family members, and so on the back of professional specialization in the hotel industry and the first Ichonh science hotels.
Phase III: hospitality in modern times
The hotel industry has become in the current era unique and distinct industry has its own regulations and its culture and its laws and policies, the reality Applied shows that a lot of businessmen and companies in most countries of the world were scrambling to invest in the hotel sector, it has established international companies aiming to hotel chains and hotels large management works the latest means of building construction and technology and modern management where entry.
According to hotel industry studies in the United States of America to the hotel industry which has seen remarkable growth in the twenties of the last century, has also been a lot of concepts related to the design hotels through hard work and continuous work to develop to meet travelers and tourists constantly changing desires, unified The hotels medium sizes and menu in the commercial city centers were replaced by other hotels distinguish built architecture, creative and new, and the halls centrality of surfaces and high hoists foreign attractive, and the creativity of others has become inherent to many hotels including the "Century Plaza" feature in Los Angeles, as well as hotels "Regency Hyahh" in Atlanta, as was created mega conferences that are characterized as large size and large areas for concerts to meet the growing and ever-changing demands of the market hotels, and the best example of this "New York Hilton".
It should be noted here that there are many changes have occurred in the hotel locations, at a time (beginning in 1900), which used to be the establishment of hotels near railway stations because most of the passengers were at that time traveling and moving from one place to another by train became Create Hotels the most recent is outside the cities near airports, seaports and on highways and in natural areas such as forests, mountains, lakes and coasts ... etc. because of the emergence of new means of transport, namely: cars, planes, ships, increasing oil is in the use of trains as a means of transport to open up new horizons were not suitable for the development of industry hotels, and the growing demand for travel in cars has led to the emergence of a new phenomenon in the hospitality field is motels industry "The Motels Industry" in the late eighteenth century enables business travelers car to find special places (houses and farms close to the highways) reside where, however, the number of passengers of them after that time exceeded the number of these special and close to highways places, which led to the emergence of the motel as the only way provides accommodation for travelers, businessmen and others at low cost to solve this problem. Studies indicate that the first motel was created in "Douglas Arizona" in 1901 and was called
"Askins cottage camp".
Field check shows that the United States at this time was able to transcend Balphendqh to the top of Bicycle progress and technical regulation, economic, administrative, and enables the US hotel organization Bensoth huge change from the traditional living the American family system, some hotels in America, the number of rooms where up to 5,500 room equipped with all the necessary services to satisfy guests needs and desires without having to get out of the hotel, the guest can be assessed in some American hotels for a whole month and gets all the services needed without departing from the hotel.
Or in the European continent which has already spread Hotels and Motels of all kinds, in West Germany, for example, appeared in 1954 about 18 thousand projects the number of hotel beds is 295 thousand beds. The majority of Madrid hotels in Spain and some other countries about fifty hotels hotels owned all major hotel company based in numbered spots in the capital Madrid. The hotel industry as well as in England and reached a high level, but they do not live up to the degree course, which reached the hotel industry in America, inspired containing approximately 1.18 million beds. The representation of hotels in Britain Hotels Association and the British restaurants "British Hotels and Restaurants Association" and based in London, and to join this association more than a thousand public places scattered in various Oh England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, also joins them as well as some of the hotels in the colonies overseas. This association within the members of the International Association of Hotels (IHA).
According to specialized theoretical references to the residence in the European continent largely scattered, especially in the big cities but it did not reach that level of sophistication reached by the American hotels in terms of management, technology and size.